The BanyanThemes’s refund policies

We aim to make our clients satisfied with the product they have bought from us. If you are having problems with, a BanyanThemes premium product with us or believe it to be faulty and/or you are feeling discouraged. Please submit to our helpdesk to report your faulty product and our team will support you as early as possible.


If you have a premium product any technical issue with the item, we suggest that you contact our technical support team to resolve the issue and for a faulty extension, we will ask you for a link and/or screenshot of the issue to send to our support team service.

  • The feature "does not match or explain" or the feature does not work as it should. If an item is not performing as it should, we are required to resolve the issue immediately by updating the item. A feature is "not as described" if it differs significantly from the item description or preview. If the problem cannot be resolved or if the item is found to be "not as described", you would be allowed for a refund.
  • The feature Has Security susceptibility: If an item contains a security susceptibility and cannot be easily fixed, you may be allowed a refund.
  • The Feature Support: It is agreed but not provided in the event that you have a right to ongoing assistance and you do not receive such assistance under the section of the assistance policy, we will refund you.
  • Unused Feature Support Enlargement: If you purchase a feature support enlargement and request a refund for that enlargement before your enlargement item support expires.
  • We will refund you for the cost of the item support enlargement.
  • BanyanThemes: It does not provide any refund for any feature which you purchase/buy at a discount price. The feature you purchase at a particular price and will now no longer be allowed for refunds.
  • BanyanThemes: No refund could be provided for any item (although it becomes buying at a current price) even as any special offer is running our website. Your refund request could be assessed after the special offer/ campaign ends.

Take a look at the special note that:

  • If you have taken our other special service Theme customization, site setup on the server, SEO service, and Digital Marketing services will not be allowed for refunds.
  • When you get the refund you can't use furthermore our premium products.
  • You can refund taken up to 7- 14 days to send in your account.
  • We do not provide refunds for custom service.

Doubts and Inquiries

For any questions, queries, or suggestions, write to us at contact.

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With our extensive collection of elements, creating and customizing layouts becomes
second nature. Forget about coding and enjoy our themes.